Sunday, July 25, 2010


Okay I know I've said it before - but it's been stinkin' hot in Virginia this summer. Hit 104 yesterday - and it's miserable. Just had to say it. All else is well. Had a house showing on Friday and another one tomorrow. I feel an offer coming down! I just finished reading The Secret again - BJ sent me her copy. Hope all is well in your world. xo Jen

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2 Jens = 2 slackers

Okay - we have both been out of it. BJ has an excuse - she was actually a camp counselor for an entire week. That's pretty cool if you ask me. I've just been busy like the rest of you I'm sure. I hope you are having a fantastic summer. It has been HOT in Virginia... I mean HOT... They call Atlanta "Hotlanta" - well it's been like 10 degrees hotter here everyday. Wow. Rock it girls!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm still here

Hi Jens..... It's been awhile. I am trying to sell my house and I feel like I am always in and out for showings. If you've ever sold a house you know CLEAN you have to keep it at all times. This is VERY hard for me. lol. I think I dust and sweep everyday. I'll be glad when that can end. lol. Have a great Sunday!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Surviving the 4th.

Hola Jens!  I am coming back down from my 4th of July high... okay, it's not really a high.  I think it's just all the crap I ate and lack of exercise I got while I was away.

I'm sure it sounds like I was gone for a long time but it was only for about 24 hours...

It seemed like a lifetime.

Here's a picture from the 4th!

Back to work

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. It went by so fast - dinner party at hour house Saturday.... 4th of July event down the street Sunday and party at the sister-in-law's on Monday.... yayay... so much fun. Now it's back to work.....

Monday, July 5, 2010


BJ doesn't know what she is missing. Eclipse was fantastic.... probably going again this week. I had a great 4th of July.... we went down the street to a friend's house and had yummy food and drinks. Off to the sister in law's today for another gathering. Having this much fun is tiring. lol.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I would rather...

I would rather poke my eye with a sharp stick than watch any movie about teenage vampires!

Give me adult vampires (True Blood)!  and that I won't even fork over money to get HBO to see it first run... 

I put the twilight series up there with on my list of "I'd rather not" with Beyoncy and Sarah Jessica Parker.


BJ out.

Awesome Movie

I went to see Eclipse yesterday with my friend Emily... it was awesome... makes me want to read the books again though... It's been a year since I read them and I had forgotten some stuff. Producing the next Radio Go Girl today.... so.... you go girl! GJ