Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Let's feel some Jenergy!

Welcome to Jenergy! Two Jen Towners have become friends... and this is a project Jen Towner in Richmond, Virginia and Jen Towner in Seattle, Washington are embarking on. Yes - how exciting it is to create a GIANT Jenergy network of Jens, Jennifers, Jennys and Jennas across the world. Jens everywhere - united! Blog with Jen Towner and Jen Towner about life in general. The ins and outs of Jen-ness - let us know what's going on in your life and we will update you on the happenings in two different parts of the country with two Jen Towners'.... do you feel the Jenergy?

Jen Towner - Richmond


  1. I thought we decided no Jenny's. Here I go again... being the rain on your parade - the mold in your sour cream - the thorn in your side....

    You're the good Jen - I'm the bad Jen.

  2. We don't go by Jenny - but I know there are some fine Jennys or Jenis in this world. I think they should be allowed Jenergy. The good Jen
