Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I am so excited to wake up this morning and see that we have 99 Jens, Jennifers, Jennys, Jennas etc. on our Facebook hoarding site. That's very cool. Bad Jen invited J Wow from Jersey Shore which is cool. I am still just so excited that Jenna Wolfe from The Today Show joined. She is SOOOO cool! I say this is Jensational! Jenebrational!

Speaking of Jenebration - my mother posted a note on my facebook page reminding me that Jenebration is on the way - that is the week long birthday fest. Only this year I turn 40. Huh? 40? Wow it's a biggie. The interesting thing is that BJ's birthday is the day before mine. Crazy huh?

Well here's to a fantastic Tuesday. Lots to do today. Working on the next Radio Go Girl show. If you have not checked them out yet go to www.radiogogirl.com --- you can get to the past shows by clicking on the podbean site.

Have a Jen-tastic day. GJ


  1. I usually celebrate the entire month for my Birthday... I don't have a name for it though... it's just my Birthday month!

  2. You can use mine. Jenebration.
